Web 2.0

Montag, 14. August 2006

Weblogs und Wikis


Freitag, 11. August 2006

Web 2.0 is dead!


Verbotener Begriff auf Konferenzen - stattdessen "social networking, social bookmarks, rich interface for mail, web as an application platform,"

Mittwoch, 15. März 2006

Verflochtenes Leben

Quelle: c't 2006 Heft 1

- alte Konzepte und neue Möglichkeiten
- Mensch & Mensch
- Erlebtes austauschen
- Freizeitbeschäftigung des Normalbürgers (<==>: Früher Beruf)
- kommunikativen Abstand verringern (P2P Publishing)
- Internet = globale/öffentliche/kulturelle Plattform

- Einfluss Googles, da Suchen häufigste Aktivität nach eMail ist
- Page-Rank: Link als "Währung", Zwang der Verlinkung
- Input des Nutzers strukturieren, "veredeln"
- Vorantreiben der Webentwicklung durch Anbieten von Diesten, frühzeitiges Erstellen von Beta-Applikationen (Akademische Konzepte => reale Dienste, die Geld einbrigen)
- BSP: Geo-Infosysteme (Google Maps), Ajax Technologie (existent seit 5 Jahren!)
- Anzeigen / Adsense-Schnittstelle


Montag, 13. März 2006

You Know You're Web 2.0 When...


You Know You're Web 2.0 When...
  • # You can easily comment on, or preferably, actually change the content that you find on a Web site.
  • You can label your information with tags and use them to find that information again.
  • Your Web page doesn't reload even once as you get a whole lotta work done.
  • You are actively aware of other users' recent activity on a site.
  • It's possible for you to easily share with others the information you're contributing on the Web site.
  • You can syndicate your information on a Web site elsewhere on the Internet through a feed like RSS or Atom.
  • You can pick and choose the pieces of a Web site that you like and then add that functionality to your own site.
  • There are easy ways to find out what content is the most popular or interesting at the moment.
  • You heard about a new Web site because a friend enthusiastically recommended it to you out of the blue.
  • There happens to be a mind boggling amount information and a lot of people on a site, yet it seems easy to find what you want and communicate with others.
  • Everything you ever added to a given Web site can be removed easily at your whim.
  • The Web site actively encourages you to share and reuse its information and its services with others. And it even provides a license to do so.

Freitag, 10. März 2006

Thinking in Web 2.0 - 16 ways

  1. "Before you even begin, understand your goal simply" ... "much about the initial attraction of Web 2.0 is its simplicity, with unnecessary complexity deliberately and carefully hidden"
  2. The link is the fundamental unit of thought. - Web for a reason / everything is linkable /saving a link gets you back to what originally referenced to, lets you share it with anyone at anytime / anytime = permalink that won't go away without warning / links should be human readable
  3. Data belongs to those that create it. - theirs unless right proven for others
  4. It's about data first, experiences and functionality second. - you can't have presentation without something to present / all data locatable with an URL that is easily found
  5. Be prepared to share everything with enthusiasm. - Share everything possible (data, service) / encourage others / keep only things private that absolutely have to be / make discovery, navigation easy, obvious, and straightforward /Why: In return, you will benefit many times over from the sharing of others.
  6. The Web is the platform; make it grow. - your data becomes part of the web / take care for those who are interested in your stuff
  7. Understand and embrace the "capability gradient" - 1 billion users / keep it simple, but support expert users
  8. Everything is editable - or i.E. comment
  9. Identity on the Web is sacrosanct. - must be verified.
  10. Know thy popular standards and use them - useful of that data = inverse propotion to how well-known and accepted its standard is /use: RSS, OPML, XHTML, simple XML, JSON / avoid: SOAP, XSD, RDF, ATOM, and others. / contribute with votes
to be continued

Tim O'Reillys Definition...


Web 2.0 is the network as platform, spanning all connected devices; Web 2.0 applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform: delivering software as a continually-updated service that gets better the more people use it, consuming and remixing data from multiple sources, including individual users, while providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others, creating network effects through an "architecture of participation," and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user experiences.

Web 2.0 != a check


The modern version of a Tired vs. Wired chart is currently floating around the web. This attempt to categorize stuff as Web 1.0 vs. 2.0. is, well, interesting.

For example: Content Management is Web 1.0 while Wikis are Web 2.0. Gimmie a break. Wikis ARE content management dressed up a web service on top of a database engine that tracks content and, wait for it, changes to that content, in other words: Content management.

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Aktuelle Beiträge

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